sábado, 23 de julho de 2016

Cellfina Anti-Cellulite Cream Review – 7 Facts Women Didn’t Know

It’s an imperfection on the skin that women for years have been trying to get rid of permanently. Cellulite is something women can’t prevent but manage on a regular basis. Cellfina Anti-cellulite cream has been invented to manage women’s cellulite. Cellfina is a great way women can take care of their cellulite.

About Cellfina Anti-Cellulite Cream

Cellulite is a part of the skin that is lumpy with dimple like marks. These marks can be located on the thighs, hips, butt, and abdomen. It occurs on women most often and is a condition that is not life threatening but somewhat unattractive.

Cellfina is an anti-cellulite cream that smooths over the signs of lumps and dimples on a woman’s skin. It creates long lasting effects on the skin, and women won’t be able to tell they ever had cellulite. Here are 7 things people need to know about Cellfina.

Creator of Cellfina

Dr. Michael Kraminer came up with Cellfina and was involved in the studies to be approved by the FDA. Kraminer was a professor in dermatology at Yale University as well as one of the people who found Skin Care Physicians. In his research he found that “cellulite is almost always related to genetics and how skin and muscle attach in women.” Women can have cellulite if they are slim or fat. Cellulite doesn’t distinguish from one body type to another.

It’s Long Lasting.

Cellfina is medically approved by the FDA to reduce the appearance of cellulite in just two years. Reputable doctors perform this procedure in a doctor’s office in less than an hour. Identifying the cause and correcting the problem areas with Cellfina treat cellulite.

Not Very Invasive.

The procedure is minimally invasive for doctors to perform. The Cellfina procedure involves seeking out the cause of cellulite, which are the bands of fat that are interconnected throughout the butt and thighs, and treating the problem. The bands are known as Septate that live under the skin. The bands pull the skin down and results in the dimples and lumpy structure women see on their skin. When the bands release like a rubber band, the skin will become smooth again in about 3 days.

A Good Candidate?

A woman will be a good candidate if she is within 10 pounds of her body weight. Changes will not be noticed in women over 10 pounds of their normal body weight. Women who are overweight have a lot of fat that put more weight on the skin, so it’s hard to tell where the lumpy and dimple skin is located.

Proven To Be Effective.

Success has been evident with anti-cellulite cream. Doctors use unique technology to prevent the structural cause of cellulite. The 20-30 dimples are first identified, a numbing substance is then injected into the skin, and finally the treatment is administered. Pain is minimal during the injection process. After patients receive their treatment, they can go on with their day.

The device used to inject the liquid is also used to apply suction cups to the dimpled parts of the skin. The skin is then penetrated with a needle to the connective tissue of the bands. The bands are then cut at the end of the procedure.

Satisfied Patients.

Studies were conducted to show patients were able to see positive results in 3 days. When two years passed, patients noticed a significant difference in their skin then when they participated in the study according to The Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale  (GAIS). 85% of patients have been very satisfied in one year and in two years 94% were happy with the look of their skin.

Cellfina Safety Information.

Patients need to know The Cellfina System is used for the long term to improve the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and butt on women. The procedure has side effects like swelling, soreness, tenderness, red dots where the needle and suction went into the skin, and bruising. Licensed doctors are the only medical professionals who should be performing the treatment.

Cellfina Cost

Cellfina was released in 2015 for profit use. It’s $4,000 to $6,000 in price. Cellfina is rarely covered by health insurance, but 40-50 physicians in the U.S offer it.

Cellfina – In Conclusion

Women want to know the cure to cellulite, and Cellfina is a great option because the results are long lasting. Doctors perform this easy, non-invasive method, and patients see results in just 3 days. Women have to be a good candidate for this procedure. This procedure has been successful because of its innovative technology, and patients have been satisfied with the look of their skin.

Safety is an important factor in any procedure, and women need to be aware that soreness, tenderness, and bruising are possible as well as the cost of getting the procedure.

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