sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2016

GuruNada Pulling Oil

GuruNada Pulling Oil

I have been testing the GuruNanda Pulling Oil ($14.99/8.45 oz.) which I was excited to try since I’ve been intrigued by oil pulling for a while now. Many of the “healthy living” blogs that I read have touted the health benefits. Oil puling is based in Ayurvedic medicine. Yes, it’s a bit hippie-dippie! The point of this practice is to aid in the removal of oil soluble toxics from the body. Obviously I have no way of knowing if this actually occurs. The important part here is the alleged benefits from oil pulling. The GuruNanda website states that oil pulling can help improve oral and systemic health, which can help alleviate tooth decay, bad breath, headaches, migraines, diabetes, asthma and acne, as well as whiten teeth. Wow, wouldn’t that be something!  

I received a 7-day supply of this product, which included 7 individual ½ oz. tubs. The ingredient list is short and sweet, sesame oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, peppermint oil. More importantly, the oil was not solidified coconut oil, as recommended by some bloggers. It took two days to get used to swishing oil around in my mouth, but after that I did not mind it whatsoever. Peppermint oil is also included in the formula so it has a hint of mint to make it more palatable.

This product is to be swished about in the mouth for up to 15 minutes, and then spit into the trash. You don’t want to dispose of oil each day down your drain…  Afterwards you are supposed to rinse your mouth with water and then brush your teeth immediately. The reason for this is said to be because the oil forms a biofilm on top of teeth. Biofilm can trap microorganisms between the biofilm and teeth, which can create dental issues. Again, I have no personal knowledge about this. But, if you are really pulling toxins then it makes sense to me to brush your teeth afterwards. You are supposed to oil pull first thing in the morning before drinking or eating; I couldn’t t accomplish this, so I used it an hour after having coffee.

After my short trial, I had an interest in giving this product a serious go. So, I actually ordered a full size of the product, which I’ve used daily for over a month. I can tell you that my teeth and mouth felt very clean afterwards. I had my biannual dental cleaning during the trial and the hygienist didn’t use the ultrasonic water scaler for the first time in many visits. I am also a notoriously bad sleeper and I have been consistently sleeping at least an extra hour nightly. Naturally, I can’t say whether or not the product is responsible; however, I haven’t made any other life changes that I think would impact my sleep.

I’m very glad that I was able to try this and think that this product is a good one to use if you have been thinking about giving oil pulling a try. I have actually just ordered my second full size bottle.     

from phytoceramides reviews via anti aging wiki
from Tumblr

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