sábado, 5 de março de 2016

Skinny Fiber – SBC 90 Day Challenge For Weight Loss

Skinny Fiber Review – Will It Work For You?

Skinny Fiber is a new diet pill made by a company named Skinny Body Care. Will Skinny Fiber really help you lose enormous amounts of weight? Here’s our review.

What is Skinny Fiber?

Skinny Fiber is a diet pill that claims to use a proprietary formula to cleanse your body and promote healthy weight loss.

The diet pill is part of the so-called “SBC 90 Day Challenge”, where you have 90 days to try to lose weight by following the lessons provided by Skinny Body Care.

Instead of filling your body with stimulants, Skinny Fiber focuses on giving your body the fiber it needs to cleanse your system.

By cleansing your system, you can release toxins while also cleaning out your digestive tract.

How Does Skinny Fiber Work?

Skinny Fiber has made a name for itself for claiming that “enzymes” are the number one reason we don’t lose weight. Every organ in our body depends on enzymes. Poor enzyme management is the reason that many of us cannot lose weight – even when we are eating healthy and dieting.

Enzymes also help prevent disease, keep you youthful, increase your energy, and break down your food. When your body can’t break down food due to enzyme problems, more of that food gets stored in your body as fat and toxins.

With that in mind, Skinny Fiber claims to use three of the world’s most powerful weight loss ingredients. These ingredients put “powerful enzymes to work” to get your body to start shedding extra pounds.

The first listed ingredient is glucomannan. This is a dietary fiber that expands dramatically in your stomach, helping you feel fuller even when you eat less food.

Caralluma extracts are another ingredient. They’re “one of nature’s best appetite suppressants” according to the manufacturer of Skinny Fiber. And finally, we have Cha de Bugre, which is a Brazilian herb purportedly linked to weight loss results.

This formula claims to be 100% pure and all natural and does not contain any harmful chemicals or drugs.

Basically, these are three fiber-rich ingredients that will help you feel before and after each meal, meaning you’ll eat less. The ingredients will also help you encourage healthy digestion.

Skinny Fiber Ingredients

Skinny Fiber claims to contain just three ingredients, including:

— Glucomannan
— Caralluma
— Cha de Bugre

These three ingredients all work in a similar way: they suppress appetite by helping you feel fuller.

Unfortunately, we never actually learn how much of each ingredient is included in the Skinny Fiber supplement.

That’s a big problem. There are plenty of other supplements that include all of these ingredients. Swanson Vitamins, for example, sells a supplement that contains 700mg of pure glucomannan in each capsule. That supplement is priced at $4.99 for a package of 90 capsules, with each capsule containing about 5 grams of fiber per serving.

The minimum recommended daily intake for fiber is 25 grams.

How much fiber is included in each serving of Skinny Fiber? Since the manufacturer hasn’t listed dosage information, we never find out this information.

Typically, manufacturers love to advertise their ingredient information and dosages because it helps consumers compare supplements. That doesn’t appear to be the case with Skinny Fiber.

The SBC 90 Day Challenge

Many dietary supplement manufacturers now offer “challenges”. Typically, these challenges involve taking a bunch of the company’s supplements over a certain period of time.

The SBC 90 Day Challenge is exactly one of those systems. You buy Skinny Fiber, get a free weight loss tracking system, weigh yourself every day, and take a picture of yourself before and after the challenge. Then, you send your results to Skinny Body Care. In return, you’ll receive a “90 Day Challenge” t-shirt as well as a certificate of achievement that “you can frame and be proud of”.

The three people who lose the most in any 90 day period will also receive a $1000 cash bonus from the company – so it’s a competition with more than just a certificate of achievement at the end.

Skinny Fiber Pricing

Skinny Fiber is exclusively available to order through SkinnyBodyCare.com or through a Skinny Body Care distributor (the company operates in a similar way to multilevel marketing companies and has extensive affiliate support).

Here’s how much you can expect to pay wherever you buy Skinny Fiber:

-1 Bottle: $59.95 + $6.97 S+H ($66.92 Total)

-3 Bottles: $119.85 + $8.48 S+H ($128.33 Total)

-5 Bottles: $179.70 + $11.64 S+H ($191.34 Total)

All purchases come with a full refund guarantee. If you don’t lose weight while taking Skinny Fiber, or you’re unhappy with the results, then you can email the company for a full refund with no questions asked. Email them at support@skinnybodycare.com or call at (817) 479-9198.

At the bottom of the Skinny Fiber ordering page, you can also opt-in to the Skinny Fiber autoship program, which will ship an additional monthly supply of Skinny Fiber to you every month at a price of $59.95 plus shipping (the same price as when you order the supplement directly online).

Who Makes Skinny Fiber?

Skinny Fiber is made by a company named Skinny Body Care. That company currently only sells two products: the Skinny Fiber diet pill and the Ageless Anti-Aging Skin Serum.

The company has an extensive affiliate program that functions more like a multilevel marketing company than a traditional affiliate program: you earn Fast Start Enroller Bonuses, 50% payouts on first level commissions, and commissions down to the 6th level (once you reach “Royal Crown Diamond” status).

You can view the company’s compensation program here: SkinnyBodyCare.com

The company’s About Us page describes itself as “the only company in the industry to bring you the next generation of products.” The company claims to operate a world class manufacturing facility where they only use natural and organic raw materials to make their supplements.

The company, however, never lists its manufacturing location or its ingredient sources. It simply says that its ingredients come from all over the world – without actually mentioning where they come from.

You can get in touch with Skinny Body Care by emailing support@skinnybodycare.com. Or, mail the company at its address, which is:

423 Bussen Underground Rd
St. Louis, MO 63129

Taking a look at that location on Google Maps shows that it’s an industrial district on the outskirts of south St. Louis.

Should You Take Skinny Fiber to Lose Weight?

Fiber is a key part of a healthy diet. You can get fiber from many different sources – including the foods you eat or nutritional supplements like Metamucil. Skinny Fiber claims to use fiber-rich ingredients, but it never actually tells us the dosage of these ingredients, nor does it explain how much fiber is in each dose. That makes it difficult to compare Skinny Fiber to other conventional fiber supplements.

However, considering that other fiber supplements like Metamucil are priced at around $10 for 72 servings from Walmart, Skinny Fiber seems relatively expensive. The ingredients inside Skinny Fiber haven’t been shown to be more effective for weight loss than traditional fiber.

Plus, when you’re buying Skinny Fiber, a huge chunk of the retail price goes towards paying affiliates and supporting the multilevel marketing compensation structure.

For all of these reasons, there are cheaper ways to get better fiber than by ordering it through Skinny Fiber.


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